Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Have you ever read...

The Basic Dianetics Picture Book?

This book illustrates the basic principles of Dianetics: what the mind consists of, how it works, what the reactive mind is, what a Clear is and what the dynamics are. The book also tells you what the goal of Dianetics is, shows you in pictures how an auditing session works and how this will eventually rid one of their own reactive mind. It's a great book. I highly recommend you reading it.

You can purcahse the book by calling (818) 995-3460.

Please read below the success story from someone who read The Basic Dianetics Picture Book.

And until next week...

"I work as a nurse in a small hospital and recently a young woman came in and said her boyfriend would change personalities and act very strange. She said talking to him was like talking to a complete stranger and he was totally unaware he would be doing this. I had him come in and I showed him the Dianetics Picture Book, making sure he understood each page. Part way through he realized that he had a reactive mind and it would sometimes take charge of him. After reading the whole book he made a decision to change and get Dianetics processing. The young woman called me back two weeks later and told me he was not acting strange anymore, but seemed more alive and he said he never felt better." S.L.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Get your stress tested on Tuesdays!

Hi friends! We will be giving stress tests on Tuesdays from 3pm-8pm at the Sherman Oaks Farmers Market on Woodman and Riverside.

Now, if you have never had a stress test- come on down and have one! They are fun, fast and effective! If you have had a stress test and would like to help out, please contact Stephanie at (818) 995-3460. We always appreciate any help available.

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday!

Location: Sherman Oaks Farmers Market
Woodman/Riverside (look for banner)

Time: 3pm-8pm

When: Tuesdays

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Read how Dianetics is helping people

Hi everyone,

Our Mission just had another Dianetics Auditing completion! Her success story is below.

"After running several *engram *chains in recent sessions, I felt an incredible sense of release from my *reactive mind. It's a little hard to articulate other than feeling really, really good! Everything in my life seems to be aligned and I feel happy and excited about the future."

-S.N., Dianetics Auditing completion

*engram: n. a mental image picture which is a recording of a time of physical pain and unconsciousness. It must by definition have impact or injury as part of its content.

*chain: n. a series of incidents of similar nature or similar subject matter.

*reactive mind: that portion of the mind which files and retains physical pain and painful emotion and seeks to direct the organism solely on a stimulus-response basis.